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The Benefits of a Night Guard

Upper and Lower Night Guard

There are a few reasons why a night guard might be in your treatment plan.  Most of the time it is to prevent more wear and tear on your teeth.  If you are prone to clenching and grinding your jaw at night, not only will your jaw be tight and sore but your teeth will get shorter and shorter and the possibility of fractures are high.  If a tooth is fractured to the root that most likely means you will need an extraction and the tooth cannot be saved.  

Some people are given a night guard for TMJ issues.  Wearing the night guard while sleeping can help reposition the jaw slightly enough to help relax it and even help open the airway for better breathing.  Many times the reason we clench and grind is due to sleep apnea and it's our bodies way of fighting for more air.  

If you have plans to restore your teeth with crowns or veneers it is also a good idea to have a night guard made post treatment to protect the work that has been done.  A night guard can help protect your teeth from fracturing and needing work done as well as protect any work you have had done in the past.

There are just too many benefits to pass up a night guard if you are in need of one.  If you think you may be a candidate call our office to schedule.  (559) 513-0707 

Andrea Wright

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